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/ Compute! Gazette 1991 March / 1991-03.d64 / metallix demo (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  2022-09-20  |  3KB  |  65 lines

  1. 0 clr
  2. 10 rem copyright 1991 compute publications intl ltd - all rights reserved
  3. 20 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147]"tab(9)"loading metallix. . . ."
  4. 30 poke147,0:sys57812"metallix.obj",8,1:sys62631
  5. 40 fort=8192to8320:readx:poket,x:next
  6. 50 v=53248:pokev+23,255:pokev+29,0:pokev+28,255
  7. 60 fort=v+39tov+46:poket,15:next:pokev+37,12:pokev+38,11
  8. 70 x=139:fort=vtov+6step2:poket,x:x=x+24:next
  9. 80 x=139:fort=v+8tov+14step2:poket,x:x=x+24:next
  10. 90 fort=v+1tov+7step2:poket,63:next:fort=v+9tov+15step2:poket,105:next
  11. 100 fort=2040to2046step2:poket,128:next:fort=2041to2047step2:poket,129:next
  12. 110 c1=11:c2=15:c3=1:c4=7:c5=10:c6=8:c7=2
  13. 120 sys51720,0,0:poke53265,11:fordl=1to1000:next:pokev+21,255:ford=1to10:next
  14. 130 poke53265,27:print""tab(13)"m e t a l l i x"
  15. 140 print""
  16. 145 a$="copyright 1991":gosub501:a$="compute publications intl ltd":gosub501
  17. 150 a$="all rights reserved":gosub501
  18. 160 sys51890,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,20:sys51720,0,0:gosub520
  19. 170 print""tab(2)"add a metallic luster to your video"
  20. 180 printtab(2)"with this elite metal shading effect"
  21. 190 sys51890,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,50:sys51720,0,0:gosub520
  22. 200 print""tab(3)"this new graphics mode displays a"
  23. 210 printtab(3)"vertical color resolution of seven"
  24. 220 printtab(2)"colors per character, an independent"
  25. 230 printtab(1)"hue for each raster line on the screen!"
  26. 240 sys51890,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,50:sys51720,0,0:gosub520
  27. 250 print""tab(10)"done with innovative"
  28. 260 printtab(7)"raster programming, this is"
  29. 270 printtab(4)"the best vertical color resolution"
  30. 280 printtab(11)"possible on the 64"
  31. 290 sys51890,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,50:sys51720,0,0:gosub520:pokev+21,255
  32. 300 print""tab(8)"complete with a video fade"
  33. 310 printtab(19)"and"
  34. 320 printtab(10)"combined with sprites"
  35. 330 printtab(5)"64 graphics never looked so good!"
  36. 340 sys51890,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,50:pokev+21,0:sys51720,0,0:gosub520
  37. 350 print""tab(4)"the commands"
  38. 360 printtab(4)"sys 51720,bord,back"
  39. 370 printtab(6)"clears the screen and sets the"
  40. 380 printtab(6)"border and background colors."
  41. 390 printtab(4)"sys 51890,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,[dur]"
  42. 400 printtab(6)"selects the 7 character colors."
  43. 410 printtab(6)"the last parameter is optional"
  44. 420 printtab(6)"and selects the display duration."
  45. 430 printtab(6)"if omitted the display is"
  46. 440 printtab(6)"stopped with the space bar."
  47. 450 sys51890,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,50:gosub520
  48. 460 z=z+1:ifz>2thenz=0
  49. 470 ifz=0thenc1=11:c2=15:c3=1:c4=7:c5=10:c6=8:c7=2
  50. 480 ifz=1thenc1=12:c2=15:c3=1:c4=7:c5=10:c6=8:c7=2
  51. 490 ifz=2thenc1=15:c2=1:c3=7:c4=10:c5=8:c6=2:c7=9
  52. 500 sys51720,0,0:pokev+21,255:goto130
  53. 501 for xz=1 to (20-int(len(a$)/2)):print" ";:next:printa$:return
  54. 510 rem delay sub
  55. 520 fordl=1to50:next:return
  56. 530 rem sprite data
  57. 540 data42,170,170,37,85,87,37,85,87,38,170,151,38,170,183,38,170,183
  58. 550 data38,191,247,38,181,87,38,181,87,38,170,87,38,170,215,38,170,215
  59. 560 data38,191,215,38,181,87,38,181,87,38,170,151,38,170,183,38,170,183
  60. 570 data37,255,247,37,85,87,47,255,255,0,42,170,170,37,85,87,37,85
  61. 580 data87,38,170,151,38,170,183,38,170,183,38,170,183,38,190,183,38,182
  62. 590 data183,38,182,183,38,182,183,38,182,183,38,182,183,38,182,183,38,182
  63. 600 data183,38,182,183,38,182,183,37,245,247,37,85,87,37,85,87,47,255
  64. 610 data255,42,64